Friday, February 18, 2005

Care for a cookie?

Oh God. It's Girl Scout Cookie time again.

WHY did I buy four boxes from a co-worker's daughter?!? They are soooo good, but my God, how do they pack that much fat into one little cookie?!?

So now I've got two boxes of Somoas and two boxes of Do-si-dos sitting on my desk. I should take them home and pop them into the freezer, but chances are that won't happen.

Oink, oink.
On another note, I'm heading to Nashville tomorrow after work to visit my friend Mike who has just moved up there from Atlanta. He landed a job as a sales rep for the German percussion company Meinl, which suits him well considering he's a drumming fanatic.

I'm sure I'll have lots of fun stuff to report when I get home!

Til then!