When sparks fly
Yesterday - for a reason not known to me - I was really kind of down. Nothing in particular triggered it, but I just felt rather blah even though I had the whole day off, the weather was nothing less than perfect and I felt just fine.
So, instead of taking full advantage of a gorgeous day off, I stayed inside my apartment and cleaned like a mad lady. And now my place is spotless from top to bottom, I'm pleased to report.
Anyhow, Jim worked last night but got off at around 11:30 p.m., which is early for us. He called and said he was on his way over for our ritual Saturday Night Live viewing party. A little while later he showed up with a surprise - Sparks!! A mistake he later said would never be repeated.
If you've never heard of Sparks, it's a malt liquor energy drink, if you can imagine. It's got both alcohol (6.0) and energizing ingredients including ginseng. It's orange in color and tastes, to me, much like sweet tarts. Good stuff, indeed!
Two cans later, I was bouncing off the walls and feeling rather sparkalicous (not a word you can truly understand until you've tried the stuff yourself). Then, as Jim describes it, I became "moon-faced" - whatever that means.
At any rate, I had a wonderful time. Jim did, too - though he'll never admit to it!!
Oh, and Jim's gonna kill me for this - but have you ever seen anyone with a stronger aversion to having their picture snapped than him?!?
So, instead of taking full advantage of a gorgeous day off, I stayed inside my apartment and cleaned like a mad lady. And now my place is spotless from top to bottom, I'm pleased to report.
Anyhow, Jim worked last night but got off at around 11:30 p.m., which is early for us. He called and said he was on his way over for our ritual Saturday Night Live viewing party. A little while later he showed up with a surprise - Sparks!! A mistake he later said would never be repeated.
If you've never heard of Sparks, it's a malt liquor energy drink, if you can imagine. It's got both alcohol (6.0) and energizing ingredients including ginseng. It's orange in color and tastes, to me, much like sweet tarts. Good stuff, indeed!
Two cans later, I was bouncing off the walls and feeling rather sparkalicous (not a word you can truly understand until you've tried the stuff yourself). Then, as Jim describes it, I became "moon-faced" - whatever that means.
At any rate, I had a wonderful time. Jim did, too - though he'll never admit to it!!
Oh, and Jim's gonna kill me for this - but have you ever seen anyone with a stronger aversion to having their picture snapped than him?!?
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