Sunday, May 29, 2005

Dark circles & tired bones

It's very likely that I'm really not awake. I shouldn't be, that's for sure.

I look dead - dark circles are under my eyes, my whole body aches and I can't quit yawning. Unlike the Stacey of 5 years ago, I require sleep - otherwise you're left with a heap of grouchy tiredness that can't think straight. And that's what I'm turning into at this very moment.

Sleep has not been my friend lately - and I have no idea why, really. Well, except for the past couple of nights ... I worked late Friday and had to be back at work bright and early Saturday morning. Then last night after not getting much rest the night before, I went out with Jim for a final hoo-rah at the Stone Lion.

It was crowded - so crowded that it was next to impossible to get a drink. A lot of folks were smart and brought their own beer, but not thinking the entire town would show up for the closing night of Chattanooga's best dive, we arrived empty handed.

The night was filled with crazy conversation, overflowing crowds, a couple fist fights, a frisbee stuck in a tree, an engagement, a couple firecrackers here and there, and several police roll-bys.

I can't classify myself as a regular at the Lion like Jim and his buddies, so I was part of the crowd they shunned last night. Oh well, I was the DD, so at least one of their "regulars" made it home safely.

We stayed until the bitter end - 3 a.m. Jim and I, along with Nathan and Josh (pictured here), and a few hundred others had one last beer at the Lion and said goodbye.