Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Weekend update

Tailgating crew

Scott and Jessica
Going to Georgia Southern football games is right at the top of my list of favorite memories from college. The pre-game tailgating madness (usually induced via copious amounts of beer and chicken wings ... and maybe a little Jack and Coke for good measure) is a necessary component of any successful GSU game. Visiting with other fans, making stupid bets and seeing those long-lost friends who only show up once a season for that big game is what the art of tailgating is all about.

This year I was the long-lost friend - greeted with all the necessary enthusiasm to get me back down to South Georgia again next season.

(Pictured here: Me and Kelley, the crew and Scott and Jessica - if you didn't already figure that one out)

You can read all the game highlights over at Scott's blog if you're truly interested in the game (I'm guessing you're not). But I will say that our Eagles were screwed out of a touchdown thanks to the refs, but luckily GSU still came out on top of the (formerly) No. 1 I-AA team in the nation. It was a thriller of a game down to the final minute, and I was so glad to be there to witness it.

Besides the game, catching up with old friends was my priority. There's a pregnancy, a soon-to-be engagement and various other exciting news floating around my Statesboro crew these days. Amazing how much changes in such a short amount of time!

Then there's the campus ... which was transformed in a million different ways, making Jon and I get turned around while taking a walk before leaving town on Sunday. New buildings have sprouted up here and there, roads have been closed, others have been paved. The libarary is about to become much larger and a little too high-tech for this Georgia girl ... they're installing electronic arms to fetch students' books at the touch of a button. Come on people ... what ever happened to the Dewey Decimal system?!?

It was a good trip - even though I now have a killer sore throat and am not at all pleased to be sick during the remainder of my vacation. But, hey, it's worth it.