Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Breathing deeply

You know it as well as I do - Life can be distracting. Even more than distracting, it can be a real kill-joy sometimes.

Yesterday I had one of those days. You know the kind - where you feel like throwing your hands in the air and proclaiming how finished you are with life.

I won't go into the details of how I made a complete ass of myself, but after work I crawled into bed and told myself that tomorrow would be a new day - secretly not believing it, but trying hard to nonetheless.

Lucky me. Today was a whole new day. A wonderful day, at that.

And it's been one of those perfect days for no particular reason. But taking care of several errands I've been neglecting, discovering that one of my favorite musicians has free downloads online and making myself a healthy - yet yummy - dinner might have something to do with my joy.

Here is a (somewhat bright) snapshot of my evening. Yummy black bean quesadillas with no-fat sour cream, a glass of pinot grigio and free Joshua Kadison mp3's online.

Life is good again. And I hear it's supposed to rain tonight. There's not much better than a good nighttime rain.

Sometimes you just have to breath. Allow yourself to and soak up all the goodness in your world that most of the time you let sneak by with little more than a thought. Simple things can be the best, and I'm realizing that more and more lately.