Sunday, July 27, 2008

This girl rocks

I had the pleasure of getting together with fellow blogger Felicia from Bread, W(h)ine and Cheez this weekend. Oh my goodness, it was SO MUCH FUN! I felt like I'd known her for years.

Girl talk, yummy drinks and lunch just made my day. And to hear that I'm the reason someone began blogging was so incredibly flattering (and pretty darn cool) — especially coming from Felicia, whose blog I've always loved reading.

We're only a couple hours away from each other, so I'm looking forward to enjoying more girl talk and margaritas with this cool girl sometime soon!

But for now, I'm off to Gatlinburg. I'm all packed and ready to leave bright and early Monday morning. Now all I have to do is decide what I want to have airbrushed on a t-shirt because, you know, it's impossible to get out of Gatlinburg without the quintessential redneck garb. Ha!