Today's post brought to you by the letter 'e'

A bit extreme? Maybe. But it turns out I'm not alone — not in the least bit. I would totally recommend watching Helvetica, an independent film about, you guessed it: Helvetica, the font.
Why all this talk of fonts? Well, my class this semester is Typography, so I've got typeface on the brain — especially today.
Due tomorrow are six letters. Three in New Century Schoolbook (one of my go-to fonts) and Helvetica (the font [mostly] loved 'round the world). I've got two done, and I must admit I'm over it.
Fontmakers are insane. They have to be. Getting the curves right and ensuring complete symmetry is difficult, and sanity-snatchingly irritating. Add on top of that the fact that it's got to be done in INK, and you've got one nuts-o-rama Stacey on your hands.
I need a strong coffee and a super steady hand. Too bad the two don't mix.
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