Sunday, March 01, 2009

Well worth a vacation day

No, this isn't a crime scene. Not a real one, at least. Poor Jerry Garcia's head kind of exploded, but luckily it was just filled with stuffing that resembled his hair and beard. No one was harmed in the explosion, either.

Friday night was spent watching a few crazy folks (attempting to) zoom through a course (pictured above) on tricycles. I had hoped to participate, but finding a used tricycle isn't as easy as one might think ... at the last minute, of course. So the Cockeyed Yak Gang resigned ourselves to being mere spectators. A bummer, indeed, but fun nonetheless!

I don't know this guy, but he wasn't playing. Check out that tongue ... that's concentration!

Mike, rather excited to be there, wanted his picture taken. So, Internets, meet Mike.

I, on the other hand, wasn't as happy about having my picture taken, but was having such a great time that I relinquished my camera for a more recent picture of me. I don't look like I'm about to turn 32, right? ... RIGHT?!?!?

And finally, here's a video ... I'm no professional, so I bear no responsibility for any medical conditions you may acquire due to the intense jostling of the camera. And this was by far the least exciting round, but that's just the way it works when I turn the camera on ... nothing terribly exciting happens.