New Year. New Hopes. New Plans. New Me.
You see, I've got a handful of things I'd love to accomplish in the coming year, but I'm shying away from the "R" word. There's just something about a resolution that yearns to be broken, but my goals this year are steadfast.
I would love to look back on 2007 and be able to think of it as the "Year Stacey Got Her (ahem) Together."
Here's a rundown:
• First and foremost, I have GOT to get organized. My apartment is small ... 600 square feet is not a lot of space, especially when that space is occupied by a gob of stuff that is rarely - if ever - put to good use. My kitchen cabinets are filled to capacity with glasses, mugs, tin boxes, holiday serving trays and a myriad of other items I haven't so much as touched in the three years since I put them there. There is no excuse for that. Then there's my closet and dresser. I don't even want to think about all the sweaters I've been hoarding for far too long. And my sock drawer is about to explode. Purge is the word. It's got to happen.
• Next is what many, many, many people hope to accomplish ... the obligatory slim down. I'd love to lose 20 lbs., tone up and get into some clothes that are both hip and flattering to my (hopefully) new-and-improved figure. I know I can do it. I've got the exercise bike, my fearless friend Holly as a walking partner and an iron resolve. I will get healthy and lose the weight. It must happen ... I feel so hefty, and that's just gross.
• Number 3 on my list of plans involves a necessary evil: Money, honey. I'm sick to death of credit cards. With my college spending still coming back to haunt me month after month, I'm going to pay the bills off. I'm done with credit card debt. And, honestly, it shouldn't be too hard to get rid of mine fairly quickly. After that, only one card will be in my wallet ... and will be for emergencies only.
• The last thing on my list is VERY important to me. I've had a hard time sitting back and relaxing over the last year. I let things get to me too easily, and I think it has a lot to do with that fact that I'm always running around doing one thing or another. I've got to learn to be still, which is going to be very difficult, but it's definitely possible. To reach that goal, two days a month I will devote to nothing but relaxation ... be it vegging out while watching a good movie, reading a book, taking a long bath, catching up with old friends or taking a nap. Two days of relaxation out of eight days off is a lot to wrap my head around, but that's what I'm shooting for. Let's hope I can do it.
Most of all, I truly hope 2007 is a year of growth and happiness for myself and all of you.
Happy New Year!